[ICMU2008, JP]


       The Fourth International Conference
     on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking
     (ICMU 2008)

     June 11-13, 2008
     Miraikan, Tokyo Japan

Famous Places in Tokyo

Thanks for your participation!


Mobile computing aims at ubiquitous user access to computer application. To make it possible, networking technology which enables Internet access anytime and everywhere, i.e. ubiquitous networking is necessary. It is obvious that with the accelerating trends towards mobile networks, ad-hoc networks, and wireless networks, mobile computing and ubiquitous networking will play an important role in future network. This conference is aimed at providing researchers and practitioners in this hot research area a forum for discussion and collaboration. Authors are invited to submit papers addressing, but not limited to, the following topics:

·   Applications and services for mobile computing

·   Network management for ubiquitous networking

·   Data management for mobile computing

·   Wireless and mobile communications

·   Performance evaluation for mobile computing and

·   ubiquitous networking systems

·   Broadcast communication

·   Network architectures, protocols, or service models

·   for ubiquitous networking

·   Security in mobile computing and ubiquitous networking

·   Nomadic computing

·   Mobile Internetworking

·   Ad-hoc networks

·   Sensor networks

·   Location-based Service

Submission Instructions

Papers are solicited as full papers of no more than 8 pages, each of which will be subject to a full review process. Submission should already follow the author guidelines as specified in the web site below. An electronic, PDF-based submission of papers is mandatory.

2008/5/19 Panelists Updated.

2008/5/14 Early Registration Deadline Extended.

2008/5/1 Program and Keynotes Released.

2008/3/21 Camera-Ready Instruction and Registration Site Open.

2008/3/18 Important Dates Updated.

2008/1/7 Paper submission site close.

2007/12/19 Submission Deadline Extended to January 7, 2008.

2007/12/1 Paper submission site open.

2007/10/23 TPC are determined.

2007/8/1 CFP was modified. Notification is March 8, 2008 and camera-ready due is March 31, 2008.

2007/7/1 Submission Instructions and CFP modified

Sponsored by
IPSJ SIG-MBL (Information Processing Society of Japan, Special Interest Group of Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking)

Co-Sponsored by
IPSJ SG-BCC (Study Group of Broadcast Communication and Computing)

Supported by
IPSJ SIG-ITS (Special Interest Group of Intelligent Transport Systems)
IPSJ SIG-UBI (Special Interest Group of Ubiquitous Systems Computing)