![[ICMU2006, UK]](img/ICMU2006-Logo-W400-NoDate.png)
The Third International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2006)
October 11 - 13, 2006
BCS London Office, London, U.K.
Poster Instruction
Dear poster presenters of ICMU2006:
The poster session of ICMU 2006 will be held on Friday 13 Oct.
Please read this instruction and prepare your poster.
- Poster size should be equal or smaller than A0 size, 841mm in width
and 1189mm in height.
- Posters should be up between 9:45 am and 15:00 pm in Wilkes Room 3
and 4.
Put up your poster between 9:20 am and 9:24 am. The position for each
poster will be marked by the poster number. Put up your poster at the
assigned position. Please check your poster number in the program.
Blue tac, it is a sort of tape for temporarily attaching things to
walls, will be provided. Posters should be taken down no later than
- The interactive poster session will start at 11:15 am and ends 12:15.
No other session are held in this time period. You can present your
poster and discuss with the participants.
Tips for effective poster presentations
- Poster title size and text size
- Poster must have a title of presentation and author(s)’s name(s). The
title of posters must be readable at a distance of 2.5 m minimum, the
written text at 1.5 m minimum.
- Who is available to answer questions about the poster?
- An author's picture next to the title often helps colleagues who have
never met the contributor to easily find him/her.
- Handouts
- If the poster contains references to web addresses, or, more in
general, if you want to make available copies of your poster, you can
provide A4/letter size copies of the poster.
Poster Session Program
Please check program page.
We look forward to your presentations and to an excellent meeting.
Susumu Ishihara and Eiji Kamioka
ICMU2006 TPC co-chairs
Sponsored by
IPSJ SIG-MBL (Information Processing Society of Japan,
Special Interest Group of Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking)
Technically Co-Sponsored by
BCS (British Computer Society),
IET (The Institution of Engineering and Technology), and
IEEE Intellignet Transportation Systems Society, Technical Committee on Mobile Communications & Applications
Supported by
ICF (International Communications Foundation) and
SCAT (Support Center for Advanced Telecommunications Technology Research, Foundation)
Company Sponsor
Mitsubishi Electric Information Technology Center Europe