The Fifth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Networking (ICMU 2010)
Sponsored by Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ) SIG-MBL and SIG-BCC,
supported by IPSJ SIG-ITS and SIG-UBI
April 26 - 28, 2010 in Seattle, U.S.A.
Invited Talks
Invited Talk I

John D. Kapson
Managing Consultant, Data Center Efficiency Practice
"Eco-Efficiency Best Practices for Data Centers"
Abstract: Data centers are the fastest growing energy segment in the U.S., consuming enormous amounts of electricity and consequently producing corresponding volumes of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.
This presentation examines some of the drivers behind today's exploding growth in energy use and discusses Sun Microsystems' experience in creating a modular, highly eco-efficient approach to data center design, construction, and operation. In the first realization of this approach at Sun's Santa Clara campus, power consumption was reduced by over 60% and carbon emissions by 3227 metric tons. This architectural motif has since become Sun's standard and has been implemented in multiple locations around the world, including the primary corporate data center in Broomfield, Colorado.
The presentation concludes with a discussion of efficiency strategies that can be incorporated into typical data center operations today.
Biography: John Kapson is a Managing Consultant with Oracle's (formerly Sun Microsystems) global Data Center Efficiency Practice. With twenty-two years experience in high-tech, John has been with Sun for over half that, having held a variety of roles including Senior Java Architect, Java Center Practice Manager, and Product Portfolio Manager for SunGrid, Sun's earliest instantiation of "Cloud Computing." He has been a key contributor to numerous 'start up' business endeavors and has a talent and passion for strategy development, which he has applied to DCE consulting engagements including developing "Green IT" strategies for several global enterprises and public sector agencies. Another of his focus areas within the Data Center Efficiency Practice is business/economic modeling and simulation, leveraging his background and experience in various analytical modeling disciplines to assist customers with their strategic planning vis-à-vis data center efficiency projects.
Invited Talk II

Victor Bahl
Principal Researcher and founding Manager
Microsoft Research, Redmond
"Owning the Problem in Wireless Research - a case study of White Space Networking"
Presentation file (pdf: 5.4MB)
Abstract: Anticipating the 2009 analog-to-digital TV transition, the Federal Communications Commission issued a landmark ruling on Nov. 4, 2008, voting unanimously in favor of opening unused television frequencies, called white spaces, for unlicensed use. Regulators around the world are watching the United States and following suit. To some, this is the biggest opportunity in wireless communications since GSM. To others, it is an irresponsible act that will interfere with television broadcasts, rock concerts, and church services. I will discuss the evolution of our thinking including the societal, policy, technical, and business issues that make white-space networking such an exciting topic and the next frontier of wireless Internet connectivity.
Biography: Victor Bahl joined Microsoft Research in 1997. Since then, he has made seminal contributions in the area of wireless systems design, including building and deploying the world's first indoor location determination system, the world's first Wi-Fi hot-spot network, the world's first multi-radio single network system, the world's first wake-on-wireless system, the world's first white space urban-area network and in community mesh networking,. His research has been incorporated into Microsoft products and industry standards. He has authored more than 90 papers with more than 9,500 citations; 75 of his 120 patent applications have issued. He has won best-paper awards and delivered more than two dozen keynote talks. He founded ACM SIGMOBILE, the ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review, and ACM MobiSys. He has served on the steering committees of ACM MobiCom, IEEE DySPAN, IEEE COMSWARE/COMSNET, IEEE ISWCS, ACM SenSys, ACM MobiHeld and ACM MCS. In 2001, he was awarded ACM SIGMOBILE's Distinguished Service Award, In 2004, Microsoft nominated him for Innovator of the Year award. He is a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE.